Navigating 340B?
Let CiiTA Guide You
Are you trying to navigate the complicated world of Federal pharmacy programs? Have you been tasked with the seemingly impossible task of integrating such different pharmaceutical programs as 340B, Medicaid, and Medicare? Are you suddenly aware that your organization does not have the visibility into all the program data necessary to successfully reconcile participation in these programs, let alone benefit from them?
This is where CiiTA can help.
We know that the 340B program, Medicare, and the Medicaid Drug Rebate programs can be complicated to understand and challenging to manage. We also fully realize that you are faced with any number of challenges and goals and are looking for the technology partner that can help you succeed with as little support as possible.
CiiTA provides the necessary technology and services to help you successfully navigate the interplay of various federal pharmacy programs while remaining fully compliant. Our uniquely experienced team understands these programs and their complex interaction, and our innovative technology solutions are designed to bring you clarity and peace of mind.
We believe that a sustainable and compliant 340B Program is possible through education, actionable information, and stakeholder collaboration.
We offer 340B expertise, a high touch approach, and actionable solutions.
Are You A Manufacturer Looking for 340B Guidance? CiiTA can help you navigate 340B with confidence.
Are you a covered entity with questions about CiiTA or our good faith inquiries? Click Here
Satisfied Clients

From an analytical perspective, you understand the data in ways that we don’t. You layer on the statistical aspects that we don’t have. It’s simple to take data and look at it and see a trend, but CiiTA layers in the knowledge of the covered entity that gives the trend its value.

When we started this process, you guys gave us the level of comfort in these murky waters that we weren’t going to sink. In terms of knowledge and training levels, one of the big things was educational. The training exercises and advice that the team provided to help us make decisions, were a big help.
Develop Your 340B Strategy
CiiTA has, through extensive experience, developed a set of best practices to help guide you through the creation of your 340B strategy. Download our process document to facilitate the development of your strategy.